Player Registration Process
All players applying for membership must do so through an affiliated member club. Travel players may only submit an application through one member club per seasonal-year. See the instructions below for the registration methods available to Member Clubs. The general process is the same for both recreational and travel programs.
All clubs must complete the Annual Affiliation Form (2024-2025) to begin the registration process on an annual basis.
Sports Connect Club Product Users
Third-Party Registration Product Users
Registration Document Requirements for Players
Travel players must submit a proof of age document upon their first competitive registration with NJYS, and a recent head-portrait photo (within the past 6 months) on a bi-annual basis. Recreational players are not required to submit any documents for registration.
Player SafeSport Requirement: All players that are 18 years old or will be 18 years old by seasonal year end are required to complete SafeSport training prior to team assignment. Click here for additional information.
Out of State Player Registration
Players must register in the State Association in which they reside to remit relevant dues, obtain insurance coverage, and essentially confirm that there is no other team commitment for the player prior to participating with a club/team in a different USYS State Association.
- NJ residents seeking to play with a club/team in a different USYS State Association must register with NJYS and receive approval. Click here for the online NJYS registration link and instruction guide.
- Non-NJ residents seeking to play with a club/team in NJYS must register with their home state association and receive approval prior to receiving a roster assignment with an NJYS team. Click here for the instruction guide.
Coach Registration Process
To register as a coach for the 2024-2025 seasonal year, click the appropriate link below:
For an instructional video, click here.
NOTE: If your njyouthsoccer.com account is unable to be found during the registration process, please create a new account through the “Register Now” button on the log-in screen. tab on the top right corner of njyouthsoccer.com. When registering, be sure to use the exact variation of the first name, last name, and date of birth that you have previously used to avoid creating a duplicate account that requires new uploads for all compliance documents.
Compliance Requirements for Coaches
All coaches (i.e., travel, recreation, and TOPSoccer) must submit NJYS approved compliance documents and pass a NJYS background check in their Sports Connect account for verification (if not previously verified).
Travel Coaches
- NJYS Background Check
- Coaching Education
- Concussion Education
- SafeSport Training (Annual)
Recreational Coaches
- NJYS Background Check
- Concussion Education
- SafeSport Training
TOPSoccer Coaches
- NJYS Background Check
- TOPSoccer Coach Certificate
- Concussion Education
- SafeSport Training
The Coaching Education requirement is satisfied by completing a minimum of the NJYS State Certificate (Formerly “F” License), US Soccer Grassroots Licenses (online or in-person), National D, National C, National B, and National A licenses. Note: UEFA diplomas, United Soccer Coaches Diplomas (formerly NSCAA), and the Rutgers Safety Course certificate do not satisfy this requirement. Click here to visit our course offerings.
The Concussion Education requirement is satisfied by completing the CDC Heads Up! course or the NFHS Head Injury Awareness course. Click here to learn more.
The SafeSport Training requirement must be completed on an annual basis, with a certificate dated after January 1st for the start of the seasonal year in which the coach applies (e.g., Jan. 1, 2024 for the 2024-2025 seasonal year). Click here to learn more.
The NJYS Background Check must be submitted through the NJYS registration provider every other year and screens federal, state, county, and municipal databases for criminal offenses. This check may also review the SafeSport Disqualification List and Discipline & Risk Management lists for National Governing Bodies. Adult participants must submit and pass the background check to be eligible for participation. The necessary information is collected during the regular coach registration process.
For player age/identity and/or coach certificate verifications, Please allow up to 72 hours after uploading the document for NJYS District Commissioners to review the document. If, after 72 hours, the document verification is outstanding, Club Administrators may contact the DC.
Team Assignment Process
Once players and coaches are registered, a club administrator can assign them to a team. Prior to team assignment, the team needs to be created in the new seasonal year through either of the two methods:
(1) Migrate Existing Teams From a Previous Year*
(2) Create New Teams
*Team migration does not migrate players and coaches with the team. Only the team name and code will be migrated to the next age group.
For instructions on rostering players/admins through the state platform, click here.
Once all players and coaches are assigned, you may proceed to the team activation step. All players and coaches must be compliant (e.g, verified) prior to activation. For requests related to verification, please contact your assigned district commissioner.
For team activation, pass printing, and roster printing instructions, click here.
*Once teams are ‘activated the ONLY way to move a player off the roster is through transfer or release. When forming teams, please take careful note of the Member Policies (e.g. Roster Sizes, Transfer Windows and Limits, Minimum Number of Players, Playing Up Age Limits)
Player Transfers & Releases
A travel player may hold one NJYS (or USYS) Member Pass at any given time. Once a travel player is rostered to an active team, the player is bound to that team for the entire seasonal year (September 1st – August 31st). To change teams, including within the same club, for a player that is on an active team, there must be a transfer submitted by a parent/guardian. Please see the resources related to transfers below:
A player that is leaving a club without knowing the transfer destination or is leaving the NJYS environment altogether, shall submit a release to be removed from the roster. To submit a release, see the directions below:
At a Glance: The Transfer Process
There are two types of transfers:
- Inter-Club Transfer: A player is simultaneously moving from a team in a club to one team in different club.
- Intra-Club Transfer: A player is simultaneously moving from one team to a different team within the same club.
The NJYS Transfer Policies are designed to emphasize and support the commitment that a player makes to a club, and that of the club to a player. To facilitate transparency, a parent/guardian and a player 18 years or older are the only individuals who can request movement for the player; regardless of team movement between clubs or within the same club. A club representative cannot request movement of a player once the player is rostered to an active team.
To be eligible for a transfer, a team must (1) be in an ‘active’ status with the NJYS software, (2) have roster space available, and (3) in the case of an inter-club transfer, have not exceed the maximum number of transfers for the seasonal year. A player can request movement to a team in a new club at any time during the seasonal year. Transfers can be approved at any time during the seasonal year if there is mutual agreement by both clubs to do so. If there is not mutual agreement to approve a transfer, approvals can be made under the following conditions:
- Prior to December 15th: Unanswered transfer request or contested requests that do not involve balance disputes may be approved by the NJYS State Office after December 15th, so long as the club has been provided 30 days to accept or contest such request. This is not automatic, and a request must be made to registration@njyouthsoccer.com after the 30 day period.
- December 15th – February 15th: Unanswered transfer or contested requests that do not involve balance disputes requests may be approved by the State Office if the club has been provided 30 days to accept or contest the request. This is not automatic, and a request must be made to registration@njyouthsoccer.com after the 30 day period.
- After February 15th: Unanswered transfer requests or contested requests that do not involve balance disputes may be approved by the NJYS State Office after June 1st, so long as the club has been provided 30 days to accept or contest such request. This is not automatic, and a request must be made to registration@njyouthsoccer.com after the 30 day period.
At any time during the seasonal year, contested transfers regarding balances or club property obligations must be resolved with the member club directly. Member Clubs and parents/guardians of the player are encouraged to communicate directly with one another to resolve balances prior to transfer approvals.

Resources, Help Guides, & Policies
All Member Clubs Player & Coach Registration Process Overview Using the NJYS Sports Connect Portal Travel Player/Coach Process & Policies Recreation Player/Coach Process & Policy |
Member Clubs Using Sports Connect Club Sports Connect Club Platform Onboarding |
Member Clubs Using a Third-Party Registration Site Preparing to Upload Players |
Make a Payment
Member clubs will receive an automated monthly invoice for players and coaches registered in the previous period. The invoice is sent on the 1st of each month to the primary contact and club treasurer listed in Sports Connect.
To make a payment, NJ Youth Soccer recommends electronic payments through the Sports Connect platform. For organizations that traditionally pay by check, it is recommended to pay by e-check for amounts greater than $150.
Click here for a “Make a Payment to NJYS” video. Written instructions are below:
- Login to https://njysa.sportsaffinity.com
- Click SETUP in the navigation bar and then CONFIG
- In the Tabs area you will see an Invoice section
- In the Invoice section, you will see several options:
- Click on the Invoice Date under View to see your latest invoice
- Click on the CSV option if you wish to export this data to Excel or CSV
- Click on the Order# to complete payment for the amount due
Making Changes
Billing updates occur on the 1st of each month. Any changes made in the registration platform (e.g., newly registered players, transfers, or cancellation credits) are issued on the 1st of the following month.
- For assistance cancelling an application of a player that registered, but did not participate, click here.
- For assistance cancelling an application of a coach that registered, but did not participate, click here.
For questions regarding your invoice, please contact the NJYS Manager of Finance, Samantha LaManna (sam@njyouthsoccer.com).
Support & Troubleshooting
For account access assistance, forgotten passwords, “how-to” assistance, and technical troubleshooting, please contact:
- Sports Connect State Platform Support (Club Admins/Parents) | (855) 873-5357 | Monday-Friday, 11AM-8PM EST | Help Center | Submit a Ticket
For coach registration account assistance (e.g., forgotten username/passwords), please contact:
- Sports Connect Club Platform Support (Coach Registration) | (866) 258-3303 | Submit a Ticket
For policy, process, and payment inquiries please contact:
- New Jersey Youth Soccer | registration@njyouthsoccer.com
To learn more about the benefits of using the Sports Connect Club Product to manage your club registrations and payments, click here.